
Explore across blockchain culture and heritage to discover and appreciate our world's beauty.

Explore Ethereum
with Terrene Exeo

Interactive generative art created from NFT collections.

Scroll down to Learn More.


How Terrene Exeo works

Sample of Exeo 0
Sample of Exeo 1
Sample of Exeo 2
Sample of Exeo 3

of 6

Consider any NFT Collection

NFT collections on Ethereum are smart contracts that record token metadata, owners, and artwork. Now, imagine each cube above represents one NFT. Together, these NFT’s form a collection.

Note: We designed Terrene Exeo to work with most collections.


Minting Terrene Exeo

Minting generative worlds made easy.
Explore. Curate. Mint.

Explore phase

Now to TBD


Discover new worlds by searching any NFT contract address or explore our curations.

Save & Curate

Add-to-cart. Save for later. Keep track of your favorite worlds.

Preparing to mint

Organize your cart before minting starts. Be ready to mint your NFTs.

Mint phase

Coming Soon

More details around minting will be released in the near future.
Fully onchain · Est. 2023 · Collector Focused ·721C
By Collectors, For Collectors

Powered by The Collector Std.

Terrene Exeo is created with The Collector Std.. We developed The Collector Std. to reflect our values and guarantee:

  • Permanent metadata, everything is onchain, live, and dynamic. No server is ever involved.
  • All projects are designed for progressive decentralization. Meaning that all admin controls are designed to be revoked in the future.
  • 0% secondary market fees, no blacklist. No nonsense.
  • Transparent minting design to ensure consistent NFT token supply. No funny business.

Projects powered by The Collector Std. are made to last and will exist as long as the EVM.

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"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." - Vincent van Gogh